There is an active research programme in statistics education in Ireland. Recent journal publications include:
- Leavy, A.M., Hourigan, M. & Fitzpatrick, M. (in press). Exploring the plight of the honeybee: Using data sensors and CODAP to support emerging bilingual learners in reasoning about big statistical ideas, Statistics Education Research Journal [Special Issue: Inclusive Statistics Education with Digital Resources].
- Leavy, A.M. & Frischemeier, D. (2022). Launching a statistical enquiry: statistically worthwhile questions. Statistics Education Research Journal, 21(1).
- Hourigan, M., & Leavy, A.M. (2021). Interrogating measurement conjectures to introduce the concept of statistical association in upper elementary education. Teaching Statistics, 43(2), 62-71.
- Leavy, A.M., Hourigan, M., Murphy, B., & Yilmaz, N. (2021). Malleable or fixed: Changing attitudes towards statistics of pre-service primary teachers, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 52(3), 427-451.
- Hourigan, M., & Leavy, A.M. (2020). Using integrated STEM to develop elementary students’ statistical literacy, Teaching Statistics, 42(3), 77-86,
- Leavy, A., & Hourigan, M. (2016). Crime scenes and mystery players! Using driving questions to support the development of statistical literacy. Teaching Statistics, 38(1), 29-35.
- Hourigan, M., & Leavy, A. (2016). What do the stats tell us? Engaging elementary children in probabilistic reasoning based on data analysis. Teaching Statistics, 38(1), 8-15.
- Fitzmaurice, O., Hannigan, A., & Leavy, A. M. (2016). An Investigation into the Statistics Education of Preservice Mathematics Teachers in an Irish University. In The Teaching and Learning of Statistics (pp. 327-328). Springer International Publishing.
- Hourigan, M., & Leavy, A. (2016). Practical Problems: Using Literature to Teach Statistics. Teaching Children Mathematics, 22(5), 282-291.
- MacCuirc, E. (2015). You Don’t Teach, Students Learn: Lessons Learned in Statistical Literacy and Statistical Education in Ireland. Austrian Journal of Statistics, 44(2), 73-83.
- Cronin, A., & Carroll, P. (2015). Engaging business students in quantitative skills development. e-Journal of Business Education and Scholarship Teaching, 9(1), 1-14.
- Leavy, A. (2015). Looking at practice: revealing the knowledge demands of teaching data handling in the primary classroom. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 27(3), 283-309.
- Leavy, A., & Hourigan, M. (2015). Motivating inquiry in statistics and probability in the primary classroom. Teaching Statistics, 37(2), 41-47.
- Fitzmaurice, O., Leavy, A., & Hannigan, A. (2014). Why is statistics perceived as difficult and can practice during training change perceptions? Insights from a prospective mathematics teacher. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 33(4), 230-248.
- Hannigan, A., Hegarty, A. C., & McGrath, D. (2014). Attitudes towards statistics of graduate entry medical students: the role of prior learning experiences. BMC medical education,14(1),1.
- Hannigan, A., Gill, O., & Leavy, A. M. (2013). An investigation of prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ conceptual knowledge of and attitudes towards statistics. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 16(6), 427-449.
- Leavy, A. M., Hannigan, A., & Fitzmaurice, O. (2013). If you’re doubting yourself then, what’s the fun in that? An exploration of why prospective secondary mathematics teachers perceive statistics as difficult. Journal of Statistics Education, 21(3), n3.