Statistics Related University Programmes

Welcome to the ISA Education page.  Please see the below list detailing some of the courses offered in the field of Statistics throughout Ireland.

DCU LogoDublin City University

School of Mathematical Sciences

BSc Actuarial Mathematics
The DCU BSc in Actuarial Mathematics prepares students for a career as an actuary or, more generally, for a career in finance. The degree provides a strong foundation in mathematics, financial mathematics and actuarial science and includes courses in statistics, computer science and business.

BSc Financial Mathematics
The DCU BSc in Financial Mathematics prepares students for a career in the financial sector reflecting the field’s increasingly high level of sophistication in mathematical knowledge and computing skills. The programme provides a firm foundation in mathematics, statistics and computing for banking, finance and insurance.

MSc Financial Mathematics 
The DCU MSc Financial Mathematics specialises in financial and industrial modelling. The emphasis is on practical modelling using modern mathematical techniques with applications to finance and industry.

School of Computing

BSc Data Science
The new BSc in Data Science equip participants with the knowledge and abilities to enable them to apply the full spectrum of computing and analytical science and technology in the pursuit of discovering new information by identifying and validating patterns in data.

MSc Computing (Data Analytics Major)
This major, delivered in conjunction with leading industry players, builds on the School’s long-term expertise in DA (ModSci Group), as well as its recent participation in the SFI-funded centre (INSIGHT), and aims to provide students with a deep understanding of the issues, techniques and tools, required to examine large amounts of raw data and extract meaningful information. Students are introduced to the challenges of dealing with large heterogeneous data sources and with the scientific methods to extract actionable knowledge from these.

Maynooth UniversityMaynooth University

At Maynooth, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Statistics.

Details for all courses are available from

Check under Bachelor of Arts for information on Statistics in the BA and under Bachelor of Science for information on a BSc in Statistics.

For postgraduates, Maynooth offers a Higher Diploma in Statistics, a Higher Diploma in Data Analytics (new in 2016). From 2017 there will also be a taught, 1 year MSc in Data Science and Analytics.
Research degrees at MSc and PhD level are also available.

University of Galway University of Galway

The MSc in Health Data Science programme will train a new generation of world-leading health data scientists with the essential statistical and computing skills needed to become data science specialists in the health care, biopharmaceutical and medical technology sectors.

Queens University BelfastQueens University Belfast

URLs for the current undergraduate programmes at QUB:

BSc Mathematics and Statistics & Operational Research
This is a three-year joint programme in mathematics with an emphasis on Statistics and Operational Research covering both key statistical theory and the use of computers to obtain accurate numerical solutions to the mathematical problems involved.

MSc Mathematics and Statistics & Operational Research
This is a four-year undergraduate degree which can be seen as an extension of the three-year BSc Honours degree, and is aimed primarily at students who intend to make significant use of statistics in their future careers.

For information regarding the range of statistics modules on offer within both of these pathways, please see the following link:

TCD LogoTrinity College Dublin

URLs for the current undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at TCD:

BA (Hons) in Management Science and Information Systems Studies
This 4 year full-time programme covers quantitative methods (statistics and management science) as well as computer science (some programming and also information systems), economics and business,

Postgraduate Certificate in Statistics
This 1 year evening course is designed as an introduction to statistical methods for professionals who would benefit from understanding of statistical reasoning in their work, as well as researchers in other disciplines who need some statistical skills as part of their research.

M.Sc. in Computer Science, specialisation in Data Science
The M.Sc. in Computer Science is a common entry programme with several possible specialisations (or strands), one of which is Data Science, with a focus on statistical and machine learning methods, as well as data management and data analysis at scale.

UCC LogoUniversity College Cork

BSc in Mathematical Sciences (Single Honours)
The BSc in Mathematical Sciences is an ideal broadly-based degree course for students who wish to develop their mathematical knowledge and ability to a level that is highly valued by employers. Our students enjoy mathematics, were good at mathematics in school and want to make significant use of their mathematical skills in their careers. This course will help you to capitalise on your interest in mathematics by completing a strongly numerate degree. You will study a wide range of topics across mathematics, applied mathematics and statistics, concentrating on the areas you like most, without becoming unduly specialised.
BSc in Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science
The BSc in Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science provides a solid education in the fundamentals of financial mathematics and actuarial science, as well as a strong grounding in the core disciplines of the Mathematical Sciences. The quantitative analytical skills developed in this course are used in a variety of settings, both commercial and non-commercial.

Doctorate and Master Degrees by research
MSc in Data Science and Analytics
The MSc in Data Science & Analytics, jointly offered by the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Statistics, provides an education in the key principles of this rapidly expanding area. The combination of sophisticated computing and statistics modules will develop skills in database management, programming, summarisation, modelling and interpretation of data. The programme provides graduates with an opportunity, through development of a research project, to investigate the more applied elements of the disciplines.

MSc in Actuarial Science
The MSc in Actuarial Science is designed for graduates of quantitative disciplines who want to kick-start a career in actuary. It provides a solid foundation in statistics, financial mathematics, economics and business finance.  You will be equipped with mathematical and statistical knowledge and problem-solving skills to help businesses and institutions evaluate the long-term financial implications of the decisions they make. You will also have the opportunity to undertake a minor dissertation involving the study of a number of problems specific to the insurance and financial sector. The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries has approved programme-level exemption status for the MSc programme in Actuarial Science at UCC in respect of their first 8 Core Technical subjects. Students may be recommended for exemption from the Institute’s own professional examinations in up to 7 of these Core Technical subjects by performing sufficiently well in the corresponding examinations of the MSc programme.

HDip in Statistics
The Higher Diploma in Statistics is designed for graduates whose degrees have substantial mathematical content, and who want to develop their expertise in the application of statistical methods and broaden their career opportunities. The course may also be taken as a foundation for entry into the MSc Degree in Statistics. The course may be taken over one year (full time) or two years (part time). There are many new opportunities in commerce, government, industry, medicine and research for graduates who have added to their first degree with the training in quantitative and computing skills provided by the Higher Diploma in Statistics.

UCD LogoUniversity College Dublin

URLs for the current undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at UCD in the School of Mathematics and Statistics:

BSc (Hons) in Statistics, or joint Statistics with a number of other subjects. (
This 4 year degree may include statistical modelling, probability theory, biostatistics, survey sampling, linear models, Bayesian statistics, Monte Carlo inference and actuarial statistics.

BA (Hons) in Statistics, or joint Statistics with a number of other subjects. (
In this 3 year degree first year students gain a broad overview of the basic principles of statistical modelling and reasoning, while second and third years enhance this knowledge with a mixture of theoretical and applied modules to give you a well-rounded learning experience in statistics.


MSc Statistics (!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=PROG&MAJR=T020)
The MSc in Statistics is specifically designed to provide students with a solid theoretical and applied statistical knowledge so that they can be employed either as an applied statistician or a statistical researcher on completion of the degree. The programme lasts 12 months and includes advanced statistical topics and a minor thesis

MA Statistics (!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=PROG&MAJR=F043)
The MA in statistics is designed for those without a strong mathematical background. It lasts 16 months and brings students up to the same level as the full MSc degree in Statistics.

Online MSc and Professional Diploma in Data Analytics (
Our online programmes in Data Analytics will equip you with the skills necessary to understand and analyse large data sets, such as those constantly being generated though the ongoing explosion in freely available online information. There is a huge  demand for graduates with these valuable skills in a wide range of industries, and currently a shortage of qualified graduates. The MSc programme is taken part time and lasts 3 years. Students are only required to attend UCD for one day at the end of each semester. The Professional Diploma consists of the first 4 modules of the MSc and lasts 9 months.

Information for prospective Research students in the School is at

UL LogoUniversity of Limerick

Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciences

The programme is full time, of four years in duration with the option to specialise in Statistics, Mathematics or Computing in third and fourth year. It includes a period of Cooperative Education during the spring and summer of the third year of the course where the skills that you have acquired are applied in an appropriate workplace. The first two years of the course provide a foundation in a broad range of areas including calculus, statistics, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, operations research, mechanics, computer science and mathematical modelling.