Cluster Randomised Trials Study Day
- Date: Friday February 21st, 2020
- Location: Seminar Room 1, Aras Moyola, NUI Galway
- Duration: 9:00-16:00
- Speakers:
- Prof. Jeremy Grimshaw, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and University of Ottawa
- Dr. Neil O’Leary, HRB Clinical Research Faculty, Galway
Registration cost €50 (€25 for students) and can be done online at
The following topics will be covered: (1) Rationale for cluster trials; (2) Implications of clustering for sample size, and analysis; (3) RCT designs (parallel 2-arm, multi -arm, factorial, stepped wedge, balanced incomplete block designs); (4) Practical considerations when planning and conducting cluster RCTs; (5) Enhancing the informativeness of cluster RCTs; (6) Ethics of CRCTS; (7) Reporting CRCTs.