The ISA runs courses and workshops on a regular basis. These aim to bring the best of theoretical and applied statistics to academic, industrial and public service statisticians and statistics students. We support crosscutting workshops linking statistics to applications areas with ISA members availing of discounts to attend. Details of upcoming events can be found here.
If you would like to organise a course or workshop and wish it to be considered for inclusion in ISA events, please complete the Short Course Application Form and return it to the ISA Education Officer ( Funding may be requested to assist with the running of the course – please see below for details.
ISA Short Course Funding
The Irish Statistical Association can provide bursaries of up to €2,500 for the running of short courses and workshops related to postgraduate education and/or continuing professional development in statistics. Universities and ITs in Ireland are welcome and encouraged to apply for these bursaries.
- Funds may be used to cover any expense incurred in organising and running a short course, such as venue hire, refreshment costs, an honorarium and reasonable speaker(s) travel and accommodation expenses. Student subsidies may be included in the request for funding.
- The ISA will advertise the course to members and put registration information on the ISA website.
In order to qualify for funding, the institution must make the course available to ISA members. Any surplus funding identified prior to the course may be used to subsidise students with any funds remaining after the course being returned to the ISA. A short course summary needs to be submitted within one month after the event.
All enquiries to the ISA Education Officer at
How to apply
- Complete the Short Course Application Form at least two months prior to the proposed event.
- The ISA Education Officer will contact the organisers if further details are required and to then confirm whether the request for funding has been successful.