Novel Applications of Statistical Methods
- Date: Friday June 28, 2019
- Location: University College Cork
- Duration: 10:00-16:30
There is no charge for attending the workshop. Priority will be given to ISA members in the case of over subscription. To register your interest, email by Friday June 14, 2019. Please ensure “ISA-short course: NASM” appears in the subject line. Your place at the workshop will be confirmed via return email.
The invited speakers are:
- Prof. John Hinde (National University of Ireland, Galway): Count Data Regression Models: Properties, Applications and Extensions
- Prof. Sally McClean (Ulster University): Process Modelling, Process Mining and Big Data
- Dr. Cóilín Minto (Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology): Challenges of missing data in fisheries science
- Dr. Amirhossein Jalali (University College Dublin): Interactive tools in data and model visualisation
- Dr. Kevin Hayes (University College Cork): Evaluating the utility of effect size based inference